Can Defibrillators be used with Pacemakers?

Yes! Defibrillators can and should be used on a non-breathing, unresponsive person with a Defibrillator in an emergency. Why? If a person with a pacemaker or an ICD is not breathing and unresponsive, it’s probable that their device is malfunctioning or is not able to send a large enough shock to restore normal heart function….

Are Defibrillator Pads Reusable?

The short answer is no. Defibrillator pads are useable one time only. Defibrillator pads contain gels that help them stick to the body and that provide a conducting agent between the defibrillator and the patient. Once they are used, they are not able to stick to the patient as effectively again, Also in life-threatening situations,…

Are Defibrillator Batteries Rechargeable?

You might wonder, are the batteries in our Defibrillators rechargeable? Certain Defibrillators used by paramedics and medical professionals have rechargeable batteries. However, Defibrillators used in the general public generally do not have rechargeable batteries? Why not? A key reason is low maintenance. Most of our Defibrillator batteries have a 4-year lifespan. Non-rechargeable defibrillator batteries only…