Welcome to DDI Safety’s
Ultimate Defibrillator Guide

If everyone had quick access to a defibrillator we could save a 22,000 more Australian’s lives each year. That’s huge. That’s our colleagues, grandparents, children and friends getting a second chance. The problem: Understanding defibrillators can seem complicated. That’s why at DDI Safety we make defibs easy!

Our guide is filled with stacks of articles to help answer any defibrillator questions you have. Jump into an article that interests you below or keep scrolling for a few Defibrillator basics.

What Defibrillator Should I get?

This is the big question. Perhaps you’ve been looking and are more confused than ever.
There are so many brands out there!

Don’t Worry. We’ve made a selector tool. Just answer a few questions to find the right defib for you.

Defibrillators can be cheaper than you think. For the price of an iphone you can save lives. There’s a bit more to it than price. We’ve written articles to compare defibs like the Heartsine 350p, 360p with the Heartsine 500p. We’ve also got the lowdown on St John Defibrillators.

What’s Next?

Thanks for taking the time to read our Ultimate Guide to Defibrillators!
We hope we have been able to help you get a better understanding of these lifesaving devices. What’s next?

Why not browse our range of Defibrillators.
We’ve made a helpful tool to help you find the right one for your needs.

Further Reading and References

First Aid Guidelines
Australian Resuscitation Council Guildelines

Accidental Health & Safety’s Ultimate Guide to DRSABCD

Jama Journal Articles on Defib Efficacy
Study 1 Study 2 Study 3 Study 4 Study 5 Study 6 Study 7 Study 8

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